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Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has gained recognition as an effective treatment for trauma and related conditions. Developed by Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s, EMDR has been extensively researched and utilised in clinical practice.


What is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR therapy is a structured psychotherapy approach that helps individuals process and recover from traumatic experiences and distressing life events. Unlike traditional talking therapy, EMDR focuses on the brain’s ability to reprocess memories, which can help reduce the emotional impact of trauma.

What is EMDR Therapy used for?

EMDR was initially developed to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but has since been found effective for a wide range of psychological issues, including:

Anxiety and Panic Disorders: EMDR helps patients reprocess the underlying fears and triggers associated with anxiety and panic.

Depression: By addressing traumatic or distressing memories, EMDR can alleviate symptoms of depression.

Phobias: Patients can confront and reprocess the fears causing their phobias.

Addictions: EMDR can help uncover and reprocess the trauma or distress contributing to addictive behaviours.

Chronic Pain: Psychological factors affecting chronic pain can be addressed through EMDR, potentially reducing pain symptoms.

Eating Disorders: The therapy can target traumatic experiences that may contribute to disordered eating patterns.

Grief and Loss: EMDR can assist individuals in processing grief and finding ways to move forward.

How does EMDR benefit patients?

Compared to traditional talking therapies, EMDR can produce faster results. Many patients report significant improvement within a few sessions, making it an efficient therapeutic option for trauma and related conditions.

EMDR helps reduce the distress associated with traumatic memories. By reprocessing these memories, patients can recall them without the intense emotional reaction they previously experienced.

Patients often experience overall improvements in their mental health. Symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD can diminish significantly, leading to a better quality of life.

The preparation and closure phases of EMDR teach patients valuable relaxation and stabilisation techniques. These skills can be used outside of therapy sessions to manage stress and anxiety.

EMDR addresses both the psychological and physiological aspects of trauma. The body scan phase helps patients become more aware of their physical responses to stress, promoting holistic healing.

Research indicates that the benefits of EMDR are long-lasting. Patients often maintain their improvements well after therapy has concluded, suggesting that EMDR facilitates enduring change.

EMDR therapy offers a powerful and efficient approach to healing from trauma and various psychological conditions. By leveraging the brain’s natural reprocessing abilities, EMDR helps patients reduce distress, improve mental health, and develop lasting coping mechanisms.

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